Selecting the Proper Drinking Water

TOTAL drinkable water dwindled. Of all the water, only 1 percent of a decent drink and when consumed will endanger health. So how do I choose a clean and healthy water?

Water is the source of life because water is not replaced by other substances. That is why, water is part and parcel of living things. The provision of clean drinking water as part of clean living and healthy behaviors (PHBS), needs to get serious attention from the public, including to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases.

Data from USAID in 2008 stated, the availability of clean water in Indonesia had reached 49 percent in 2007, with half the population still rely on other sources of drinking water from surface water, dug well water, river water, rain water and unprotected, mostly contaminated by faecal coliforms.

It is said by the hydrogeological experts from UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Sari Bahagiarti, the amount of fresh water on earth only 4 percent, with only less than 1 percent is water that can be consumed.

"Hard to imagine, 6.7 billion people in the world gaining 0.62 percent drinkable water," he said in the event panel discussion entitled "Management of Water Resources" in Jakarta some time ago.

Drinking water quality and drinking water must be aesthetically acceptable, not cloudy, not tasteless, odorless undesirable, does not contain high amounts of dissolved particles, and does not contain germs and heavy metals that can cause health problems.

"Taking into account supplies of clean water and adequate, it is important to avoid diseases caused by water pollution," he explained.

Nutrition experts from Siloam Semanggi Specialist Clinic, Dr. Samuel Oetoro MS SpGK say, among the organs of the human body, blood and brain is the most high water content, respectively 95 percent and 90 percent. So, about 80 percent of the human body consists of water.

"The role of water is essential for humans, can even be included with the body's need for other nutrients," said a doctor who was familiarly called Sammy this dr.

Samuel explains, for one day, the amount of water released by the body to normal conditions, such as through urine, perspiration, and respiratory tract is about 2 liters. So, water is needed to replace fluids in the body, or the same amount should be balanced, even more. Without water we would die faster than without food.

Still explained Sammy, the impact of lack of fluids when a person, including dehydration which can be fatal if not immediately ditangani.Kekurangan 2 percent of water will cause a sense of thirst, fatigue, weakness, interfere with concentration and thinking ability.

Loss of 4-6 per cent water, the body will experience severe weakness, pale, dry mucous membranes, decreased urination, and become restless. If the water shortage as much as 12 percent, then consciousness is not responding, no urination (anuria), the face looks gray, decreased blood pressure, rapid pulse and slow, all of which can be fatal.

In terms of quality, meaning that the source of drinking water must meet three standards of measurement, namely physical, chemical, and biological. From the physical aspect, the source of drinking water is aesthetically acceptable as colorless and no undesirable odor, no taste, and not muddy.

From the aspect of chemistry, materials drinking water should not contain high amounts of soluble particles and heavy metals (eg Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Ag) or toxic substances such as hydrocarbons and detergents. While the biological aspects, drinking water should not contain germs or microbes, especially Entamoeba coli bacteria.

Hydrogeological experts from Gajah Mada University, Dr. Ir Heru Hendrayana said that during pengalirannya, ground water through many processes that make the ground water contains various minerals and eventually have a different quality in each place.

"Be Smart choose drinking water quality and is known from where the water comes, such as selecting proper drinking water that has not been much influenced by various human activities," said Heru.