Paris Hilton Zings Lindsay Lohan on Reality Show | Train Wreck Labels Hotel Heiress "Mean" | Hot Hollywood | Hollywood News | News

While filming her new reality show, Paris Hilton gave a homeless woman her earrings. A nice gesture ... until the woman mistook Paris for Lindsay Lohan.
Whoa. Whoa. Big difference, homeless lady. Let's be clear. Hilton's response, filmed forThe World According to Paris but which TMZ already has a clip of:
"If I were Lindsay, I would be stealing earrings ... not giving t
hem away." BAM!!

Lindsay Lohan, naturally, cannot take a joke and is PISSED at Paris, claiming the shot Hilton fired at LiLo on her reality show was just plain "mean."
Despite the fact that she says she's taking responsibility for her actions these days, Lindsay is still whining and telling friends, "[Paris] is just mean."
"You don’t have to make fun of serious matters in people's lives to be funny."