
Malaria is a female-mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by a eukaryotic protist of the genus Plasmodium. Malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae causes milder disease in humans that is not generally fatal. Malaria transmission can be reduced by preventing mosquito bites by distribution of inexpensive mosquito nets and insect repellents, or by mosquito-control measures such as spraying insecticides inside houses and draining standing water where mosquitoes lay their eggs. Severe malaria is treated with intravenous or intramuscular quinine or, increasingly, the artemisinin derivative artesunate.[4] Several drugs are also available to prevent malaria in travellers to malaria-endemic countries (prophylaxis). [7] Ninety percent of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one human to another by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. In humans, the parasites (called sporozoites) travel to the liver, where they mature and release another form, the merozoites. These enter the bloodstream and infect the red blood cells.
The parasites multiply inside the red blood cells, which then rupture within 48 to 72 hours, infecting more red blood cells. The first symptoms usually occur 10 days to 4 weeks after infection, though they can appear as early as 8 days or as long as a year after infection. Then the symptoms occur in cycles of 48 to 72 hours.
The majority of symptoms are caused by the massive release of merozoites into the bloodstream, the anemia resulting from the destruction of the red blood cells, and the problems caused by large amounts of free hemoglobin released into circulation after red blood cells rupture.
Malaria can also be transmitted from a mother to her unborn baby (congenitally) and by blood transfusions. Malaria can be carried by mosquitoes in temperate climates, but the parasite disappears over the winter.
The disease is a major health problem in much of the tropics and subtropics. The CDC estimates that there are 300-500 million cases of malaria each year, and more than 1 million people die. It presents a major disease hazard for travelers to warm climates.
In some areas of the world, mosquitoes that carry malaria have developed resistance to insecticides. In addition, the parasites have developed resistance to some antibiotics. This has led to difficulty in controlling both the rate of infection and spread of this disease.
Falciparum malaria, one of four different types of malaria, affects a greater proportion of the red blood cells than the other types and is much more serious. It can be fatal within a few hours of the first symptoms.
• Anemia
• Chills
• Coma
• Convulsion
• Fever
• Headache
• Jaundice
• Muscle pain
• Nausea
• Stools, bloody
• Sweating
• Vomiting
Tests & diagnosis
During a physical examination, the doctor may identify an enlarged liver or an enlarged spleen. Malaria blood smears taken at 6 to 12 hour intervals confirm the diagnosis.
Malaria, especially Falciparum malaria, is a medical emergency requiring hospitalization. Chloroquine is a frequently used anti-malarial medication, but quinidine or quinine plus doxycycline, tetracycline, or clindamycin; or atovaquone plus proguanil (Malarone); or mefloquine or artesunate; or the combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine, are given for chloroquine-resistant infections. The choice of medication depends in part on where you were when you were infected.
Aggressive supportive medical care, including intravenous (IV) fluids and other medications and breathing (respiratory) support may be needed.
The outcome is expected to be good in most cases of malaria with treatment, but poor in Falciparum infection with complications.
• Destruction of blood cells (hemolytic anemia)
• Liver failure and kidney failure
• Meningitis
• Respiratory failure from fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema)
• Rupture of the spleen leading to massive internal bleeding (hemorrhage)
When to contact a doctor
Call your health care provider if you develop fever and headache after visiting the tropics.
Most people living in areas where malaria is common have acquired some immunity to the disease. Visitors will not have immunity, and should take preventive medications. It is important to see your health care provider well before your trip, because treatment may begin is long as 2 weeks before travel to the area, and continue for a month after you leave the area. The types of anti-malarial medications prescribed will depend on the area you visit. According to the CDC, travelers to South America, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Asia, and the South Pacific should take one of the following drugs: mefloquine, doxycycline, choroquine, hydroxychoroquine, or Malarone.
Even pregnant women should take preventive medications because the risk to the fetus from the medication is less than the risk of acquiring a congenital infection.
People on anti-malarial medications may still become infected. Avoid mosquito bites by wearing protective clothing over the arms and legs, using screens on windows, and using insect repellent.
Chloroquine has been the drug of choice for protection from malaria. But because of resistance, it is now only suggested for use in areas where Plasmodium vivax, P. oval, and P. malariae are present. Falciparum malaria is becoming increasingly resistant to anti-malarial medications.
For travelers going to areas where Falciparum malaria is known to occur, there are several options for malaria prevention, including mefloquine, atovaquone/Proguanil (Malarone), and doxycycline.

male yeast infection

You actually know yeasts: they are good guys. In your gut, where they properly belong, they help keep your 1000 or so other gut bacteria in check and keep you feeling on top of it.
Great guys, great neighbours, actually.
The Itchers
Burning, itchy tip of the penis? Red, tender spots? Swollen? Some white stuff on your penis tip, particularly under the foreskin? Even a flakiness on the penis tip?
Click here to find out how to cure a yeast infection
The Turf fighters
They’re disrespecting your turf. They’ve multiplied and multiplied and are spilling over their limits and transgressing into your backyard. Hard.
A fight, and your body is the prize. You fight the good fight; you win. Like tired. Aching muscles. You get indigestion. Can’t loose the beer gut even when you try. Which is very hard because you crave beer and starchy stuff.
You actually have a disease: you have what is called leaky gut caused by systemic candida.
If you are interested in exactly how the yeast beast poisons your body:
Click here for 4 ways in which men with a yeast infection are poisoned
Click here for Yeast infection causes serious male penis diseases … including painful urination and blockage of semen
The kind of yeast behind yeast infection in men and women is called the candida yeast. If you feel this flat you won’t be going places anytime soon. Get help because procrastinating won’t help. Click here to find out how to cure a yeast infection
The killers
This is serious stuff. Yes, you can die. If you organise all the help you possibly can.
You are also at risk if you have cancer and/or are getting cancer treatment like cortisones. Men with AIDS have a very high risk, too.
Male yeast infection is widely misunderstood and is a much overlooked disease today. This report explains their causes, symptoms, and natural treatments without drugs and unwanted side effects. Recent advances have made it possible to eliminate yeast from the body by treating the cause and not just the very uncomfortable effects and symptoms...
Most men will go through life never knowing that they have a candida or fungal infection because it is extremely difficult to detect since men are built different than women. Women will get a vaginal infection and this is the clue that things are amiss in their body. Whereas men will have absolutely no idea they may have a male yeast infection until it creates other problems with their health.
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Yeast Cure

Usually, men are informed by their significant other that she has a yeast infection, so the chances are he has it too. Most doctors will prescribe an anti-fungal and suggest that the man takes it also, other wise he will give it back to her.
This is very true and worse, I am afraid, especially if she has a vaginal infection. During sex, the males urethra is exposed and vulnerable to a male yeast infection from an infected female. The yeast can travel up the urethral canal and settle in the prostate gland.
Now you may not have problems for years but prostate cancer and prostate problems are affecting almost every male at some point in their life. Think about it, boys and young girls do not get reproductive yeast infections as near as often as adults, do they? Boys also do not have prostate problems or girls ever need a hysterectomy. This obviously shows me that sex is an additional cause of infections.
Yeast is used to raise bread in cooking. Isn't it possible that it can swell a prostate gland?
Men who drink beer have been known to have skin yeast on their penis. They are usually totally unaware they have a male yeast infection due to the outside temperature of the skin being about 77 degrees keeping the infection dormant. But the vaginal canal, being a very inviting place for yeast to grow, can activate the infection in the woman. Before the female notices symptoms, she can give it right back to the male, and it can travel up the urethral canal settling in the prostate. It then literally becomes a ticking time bomb.
In some cases, male yeast infections will be noticeable as a penile yeast infection that has dry cracked skin although the infection can occur most anywhere on the skin. When the man has an erection, this skin can crack and be extremely painful.
How Do Men Get A Male Yeast Infection?
All the causes of male yeast infection are the same for any other fungus infection including sex. Most often the good bacteria to yeast ratio in your digestive system becomes unbalanced, allowing the yeast fungi to thrive and spread to other parts of the body.
Male and yeast infection in boys most common causes are antibiotics, alcohol, beer, sex, wheat products, corn products, peanuts, barley, and a weakened immune system. Other than the antibiotics, the rest contribute to candida overgrowth by weakening the immune system by killing good bacteria from the over acidity they produce in the intestine.
These common food products are universally contaminated with molds. We all unknowingly eat them thinking they are perfectly safe, but they are not in most cases since they are usually contaminated with molds and fungus. The powerful effect of molds in the body and modern medicine is best illustrated in the following paragraphs.
Take for instance Penicillin, discovered in 1928 by Dr. Fleming as he was running an experiment with mold from bread(wheat product). He took some of this mold and added it to his dish of live bacteria. What he noticed was that the mold completely cleared out the bacteria. The fungus killed the bacteria just as it does in your digestive system when you take antibiotics.
Think back how many times in your life you went to the doctor for a chest cold, or what ever it may have been, and you were prescribed an antibiotic. You took it, the cold cleared up and you thought everything was ok. What you didn't know is the antibiotic killed your good bacteria, also. Not all of it, since we have in a normal healthy human digestive system about 70 trillion beneficial bacteria, but you killed some allowing the male yeast infection to spread throughout your body. You have a cold beer every now and then, you killed some more. Male yeast infection thrives on beer and helps it grow due to the yeast being used in its production. You eat food unknowingly that contains molds, you killed some more. You eat sugar-laden foods, which feed the infection allowing it to grow and spread. This goes on until the fungus takes a good hold in your digestive system and becomes systemic. Piercing the lining of the intestine and spreading throughout the body. There have been cases of yeast encasing people's hearts and causing it to shut down.
The bottom line is you have let your immune system get worn down by the constant introduction of molds to your body. That is when you begin to experience some of the symptoms...
Common Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
Here are some of the more common symptoms you may experience with a male yeast infection. For more symptoms please see Symptom page link to the left.
Men and boys most commonly experience digestive problems and all the related problems as the number one symptom.
The more common symptoms of male yeast infection are constipation, bad breath, bloating, indigestion, frequent intestinal gas, frequent diarrhea, very loose stools, sexual dysfunction, irratibility and mood swings, fatigue or lack of energy, memory loss, jock itch, dry itchy flaky skin, athletes feet, and prostate problems.
You may also develop a craving for sweets, pastas, chips, etc. Any of the foods that feed the male yeast infection since the parasite demands to be fed, and you will more than likely feed it, until you realize you have it, and do something about it.
The Male Yeast Infection Simple Home Test
There is a simple test to see if you have a male yeast infection. The very first thing when you wake up in the morning, before you even get out of bed, spit twice into the glass of water that you left on your nightstand from the night before. Now over the course of the next 15 minutes watch the glass of water. If your spit just kind of dissolves and dissipates in the water, you do not have an infection.
If on the other hand it becomes cloudy, with strings, sinks to the bottom, looks like spider webs, you could possibly have it. If there is sediment in the bottom of the glass after 30 minutes or so then you have parasites also and will have to deal with them first. It will be very noticeable, so don't worry about being unsure if you have it or not. In most cases, you will be able to tell in the first 5 minutes.

Sleep and depression

Without a doubt, sleep and depression are correlated. Sleep is a natural process that is absolutely necessary for good mental health. In medical parlance, there is a high degree of comorbidity between mood disorders (particularly depression) and sleep disorders but the direction of causality can go either way. In other words, sometimes the sleep disorder is caused by the depression and sometimes the depression is caused by the sleep disorder. But before we go further, let's examine depression and sleep individually.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has a rather comprehensive way to define depression using their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). But to the layman, we can all understand depression as a debilitating low mood accompanied by loss of self-esteem and loss of enjoyment in activities that once brought pleasure. Depression varies in both intensity and type. For example, it can exist on its own (unipolar depression) or it can exist as part of a person's bipolar disorder.

Similarly, sleep disorders are also officially recognized and categorized. Sleep is a complex process that is divided into several stages and is crucial for a person's well-being. In today's stressful world, it's not uncommon for the natural sleeping process to be thrown off balance. Essentially, any sleeping pattern that is not only abnormal, but also severely disrupts a person's normal day-to-day functioning can be considered as a sleep disorder. Broadly, sleep disorders can be categorized as hypersomnia, sleep apnea, circadian rhythm, insomnia and parasomnia. There are also other sleep disorders and some that are not specifically specified ('not otherwise specified' or nos for short).

So how do these two seemingly different set of disorders affect one another? Well, let's take the example of a person having unipolar depression. Occasionally, a person having depression would have hypersomnia, that is excessive sleeping or feelings of sleepiness. There have been some theories that have been put forward to explain this, but it's quite easy for anyone to understand this phenomenon. A person going through a major depressive episode would often be utterly drained of energy and motivation. The body's desire to sleep is simply a reflection of a lack of energy. Yet, there are some who would argue that it's not just a lack of energy but actual exhaustion. This is because the depressed patient will often have negative self-talk repeating endlessly in his

Depression and the baby blues

Having endured a long labor and perhaps a difficult delivery, maybe even a c-section you will feel totally exhausted. You will most likely feel an uncontrollable urge to close your eyes and sleep. If you're lucky, you may get a few hours sleep and perhaps even start to feel a little 'normal' again. Some mother's experience a feeling of euphoria, particularly new mothers, however, as many as 80% of new mothers experience a case of the baby blues. In some cases this can last for several weeks.

Baby blues is not something that a new mother can control. The first thing to remember is that no one is to blame. It is not baby's fault. It is not dad's fault (well perhaps not) and it is certainly not mum's fault. The most experienced and committed mothers can get the baby blues. In fact just because you have never had the baby blues before does not guarantee you wont get them this time.

What Exactly Are The Baby Blues

The birth of your baby has started a rapid change in your body and in your life. Your emotions now have to learn how to deal with these changes. There are dramatic hormonal changes, milk will start to flow in your breasts, and your womb will start the contracting stage in an attempt to return to its normal state. You now have to adapt to not having a large stomach. Not only that, a part of you has gone. What was once a living thing moving, kicking and perhaps even hiccuping inside you has now gone. Instead, you have this little bundle of joy that only communicates by crying, even at 4am in the morning.

Is it any wonder with all these changes that, at times, you are going to feel a little down? You're not the first or last mother to experience this. The emotional letdown you experience during the first few weeks is common after birth. Just remember that your emotional state has a physical origin and is made worse by the challenging circumstances that you and your body have to adjust to.

What Are The Symptoms

Every woman who experiences the baby blues does so in a different way. The most common symptoms include:

* Anxiety and feeling nervous
* Sadness and feelings of loss
* Stress and tension
* Impatience and/or a short temper
* Bouts of crying or tearfulness
* Mood swings
* Difficulty concentrating
* Trouble sleeping or excessive tiredness
* Feeling lethargic - not able to do normal household duties

What Should I Do

If you experience any of these symptoms then your first call should be the doctor. Baby blues (also known as post partum blues) is a common problem

The Health-Care Effects of Tomato

With bright color and attractive appearance, tomato has become one of the favorite foods in people's daily diet. In fact, the nutrition contained in tomato is as excellent as its appearance, and it can be used to prevent and treat some small diseases. Firstly, beautify the skin: Peel the fresh and ripe tomato, remove the seeds, and then mash it. Apply the mashed tomato on the skin 2 to 3 times every day, which can make the skin smooth, and has an excellent cosmetic and anti-aging effect.
What's more, it can also cure skin diseases caused by fungal infection. Secondly, prevent cancer: Tomato not only is very nutritious, but also has strong effects in clearing away heat and toxic material, as well as inhibiting pathological changes. As a result, eating 1 or 2 fresh and ripe tomatoes every day can play an anti-cancer effect. Thirdly, treat ulcer: If you suffer from mild peptic ulcer, you can mix tomato juice and potato juice together, then drink one glass of the mixed juice every morning and evening. If you drink this kind of mixed juice for 10 times successively, then the ulcer will recover. Fourthly, bring down a high fever: Mix tomato juice and watermelon juice together, then drink it every half an hour. After some time, the high fever will be brought down. Fifthly, cure bleeding gums: Wash the tomato clean and eat the raw tomato as a fruit for a month consecutively. In such a case, it can cure bleeding gums. Apart from the above-mentioned diseases, tomato is also very effective to prevent and treat high blood pressure, anemia, hepatitis, heat stroke, and so on. Although tomato has so many health-care effects on human body, there are some notices you should pay attention to when eating tomatoes. Firstly, do not eat tomato and cucumber at the same time. Secondly, do not eat tomato when taking heparin, dicoumarol and other anti-clotting drugs. Thirdly, do not eat tomato when you are in an empty stomach. Fourthly, do not eat unripe tomato. Fifthly, do not eat the tomato which has been cooked a long time in high temperature. In a word, tomato is very beneficial for human health. The large content of nutrients (such as lycopene) contained in it not only can meet the essential needs of human body, but also can help people prevent and treat some kinds of diseases. As long as we pay more attention to these notices when eating tomatoes, we can get satisfactory effects.

Selecting the Proper Drinking Water

TOTAL drinkable water dwindled. Of all the water, only 1 percent of a decent drink and when consumed will endanger health. So how do I choose a clean and healthy water?

Water is the source of life because water is not replaced by other substances. That is why, water is part and parcel of living things. The provision of clean drinking water as part of clean living and healthy behaviors (PHBS), needs to get serious attention from the public, including to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases.

Data from USAID in 2008 stated, the availability of clean water in Indonesia had reached 49 percent in 2007, with half the population still rely on other sources of drinking water from surface water, dug well water, river water, rain water and unprotected, mostly contaminated by faecal coliforms.

It is said by the hydrogeological experts from UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Sari Bahagiarti, the amount of fresh water on earth only 4 percent, with only less than 1 percent is water that can be consumed.

"Hard to imagine, 6.7 billion people in the world gaining 0.62 percent drinkable water," he said in the event panel discussion entitled "Management of Water Resources" in Jakarta some time ago.

Drinking water quality and drinking water must be aesthetically acceptable, not cloudy, not tasteless, odorless undesirable, does not contain high amounts of dissolved particles, and does not contain germs and heavy metals that can cause health problems.

"Taking into account supplies of clean water and adequate, it is important to avoid diseases caused by water pollution," he explained.

Nutrition experts from Siloam Semanggi Specialist Clinic, Dr. Samuel Oetoro MS SpGK say, among the organs of the human body, blood and brain is the most high water content, respectively 95 percent and 90 percent. So, about 80 percent of the human body consists of water.

"The role of water is essential for humans, can even be included with the body's need for other nutrients," said a doctor who was familiarly called Sammy this dr.

Samuel explains, for one day, the amount of water released by the body to normal conditions, such as through urine, perspiration, and respiratory tract is about 2 liters. So, water is needed to replace fluids in the body, or the same amount should be balanced, even more. Without water we would die faster than without food.

Still explained Sammy, the impact of lack of fluids when a person, including dehydration which can be fatal if not immediately ditangani.Kekurangan 2 percent of water will cause a sense of thirst, fatigue, weakness, interfere with concentration and thinking ability.

Loss of 4-6 per cent water, the body will experience severe weakness, pale, dry mucous membranes, decreased urination, and become restless. If the water shortage as much as 12 percent, then consciousness is not responding, no urination (anuria), the face looks gray, decreased blood pressure, rapid pulse and slow, all of which can be fatal.

In terms of quality, meaning that the source of drinking water must meet three standards of measurement, namely physical, chemical, and biological. From the physical aspect, the source of drinking water is aesthetically acceptable as colorless and no undesirable odor, no taste, and not muddy.

From the aspect of chemistry, materials drinking water should not contain high amounts of soluble particles and heavy metals (eg Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Ag) or toxic substances such as hydrocarbons and detergents. While the biological aspects, drinking water should not contain germs or microbes, especially Entamoeba coli bacteria.

Hydrogeological experts from Gajah Mada University, Dr. Ir Heru Hendrayana said that during pengalirannya, ground water through many processes that make the ground water contains various minerals and eventually have a different quality in each place.

"Be Smart choose drinking water quality and is known from where the water comes, such as selecting proper drinking water that has not been much influenced by various human activities," said Heru.

Vitamin C & Herbs Can not desist Flu?

IN a sign of a cold, do you immediately take vitamin C or drink a cup of hot herbal tea, such as ekinasea (Echinacea)? Both were allegedly unable to combat the symptoms of flu.

Vitamin C and herbs ekinasea can not ward off the common cold. However, researchers have different opinions about this one. Dr. Seth Feltheimer of New York-Presbyterian Hospital / Columbia Medical Center stated, there are no consistently positive reviews for Vitamin C or ekinasea. "I think I want to say that vitamin C and ekinasea useful, but can not," he said, as quoted from NYdailynews , Thursday (12/23/2010).

Ekinesea offers warmth for the body is cold to prevent sneezing and runny nose. In fact, according to a study from the American College of Physicians, this herb is mentioned as a way to prevent flu with only "minimal effect". While Joy Lindquist, health coordinator of the cancer center of Long Island College Hospital, said that vitamin C and ekinasea effective if taken at the first sign of flu.

"The reason they are not effective in some people is a special case. If you adopt a poor diet, do not maintain personal hygiene, and not enough rest, do not expect them to work," he said.

Lindquist ekinasea recommend 6-8 tablets per day, along with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C. He does not recommend high doses of vitamin C. "Your body will absorb too much. And if you eat too much, it will be in vain," he said. The results stated that the tablet ekinasea opposite does not reduce the severity of flu symptoms and shorten the duration of cough is only approximately 70-20 hours. In fact, this study concludes, in most cases, ekinasea not useful.

Flu Prevention
ENT Specialists Lenox Hill Hospital, Dr. Jordan S. Josephson believes that taking vitamin C can help reduce the severity of colds, but the researchers are still analyzing whether vitamin C is really effective. "More in-depth studies are needed," he said. As a form of flu prevention, Dr. Jordan said, good diet, adequate rest, and taking a multivitamin.

"In this season, especially, is important for the body enough rest. Also, it is important to maintain body fluids, so drink more water," he advised. One of the other supplements that should be consumed is zinc.

"There is some evidence that the tablets of zinc can shorten the duration of the flu. But, tablet zincunpleasant taste and side effects can cause diarrhea, nausea, and flatulence, "he said.

Rarely Breakfast Trigger Heart Disease?

Leaving home with an empty stomach can increase the risk of heart disease.The conclusion that emerges through the study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Research by a team from the University of Tasmania that track the long-term dangers of skipping meals. This reinforces previous research showing positive effects of breakfast for the heart.

The study involved 2184 participants who were followed for 20 years. The result, too often skip breakfast could lead to increased cholesterol and fat deposits around the abdomen. The condition is clearly a major factor in the increased risk of heart disease.

Skipping breakfast can also trigger increased levels of insulin in the blood, which is an early marker of diabetes.

This study shows, the greatest increase in risk upon those who always skip breakfast when still a child. And, bad habits that continue into adulthood.

Habit usually skip breakfast are also followed by a penchant for sweet snack foods, less exercise, and non-fulfillment of intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals properly. A nutritionist, Catherine Collins, said, skipping breakfast is a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle

Tips On Controlling Diabetes

If you have diabetes then you know how important it is to try to keep it under control as best as you possibly can. There are many ways you can manage diabetes, and many things that you can do on your own. If you are on any kind of medication, you should be taking it every time you need to. Even if you are on a fixed income, there are many pharmaceutical companies that can supply you with medication at no cost to you, and the forms are pretty simple and straight forward.

If you are planning a trip, make sure that you plan ahead, and order more medication if needed. Be sure to bring along some kind of insulin pen, that doesn't need to be refrigerated, and travels well. Make sure that you have enough test strips, and make sure that the batteries for your monitoring equipment are fully charged, but bring extras from home in case you are on an extended stay.

Just because you have this disease, doesn't mean you can't eat at restaurants, but you have to be smart about your food choices. Read the ingredients closely, and try to stick with low calorie choices. You can have as many vegetables as you like, but should you choose to order a salad, make sure that you order the dressing on the side, then you can just dip the salad into it instead.

Enjoy your meal slowly, and try to take home any leftovers. You can also avoid over eating by ordering half meals if possible. Make sure that you monitor you levels, thirty minutes before eating, and an hour after meals. Also be careful that you are eating when you are supposed to, because if you aren't eating properly, this could lead to further problems later on.

Get regular exercise;  a good cardiovascular work out can be in simple forms, such as walking or riding a bike. It is important that you get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day, whether at a gym, or at home. You need to maintain your weight and eat a healthy diet to prevent heart disease. Read the food labels when buying at grocery stores, check the calorie contents, what the portion sizes are, and stick to these to the letter.

There are many other valuable resources to help you manage your diabetes. You can find many helpful tips and information on the internet, as well as from your doctor. Make sure that you talk with your doctor before you change your diet or exercise routines, and keep in touch with him about your blood sugar levels, as well as your A1c hemoglobin number. This is important in case they need to up your medication dosage, or adjust it in other areas.

You don't have to let diabetes control your life, as long as you are doing what you need to do. Be informed about your diabetes, educate yourself, and those around you who may try to tempt you with things you know are bad for you. One last thing, people with this disease tend to have foot problems due to poor circulation, so you need to check your feet often, like with a mirror, after your bath or shower.

Why Not Allowed Drugs with Drink Milk?

Drugs or antibiotics are taken orally can be effective for a person if consumed and absorbed by the body. Oral medication must be absorbed from the digestive tract to get into the bloodstream and then sent to the area who are sick or have infections to treatment.

There are various factors that affect the body's ability to absorb medications very well, including the relative acidity in the stomach, the presence or absence of nutrients fat or other nutrients, as well as whether there are certain elements in the body such as calcium.

As quoted from Everydayhealth, some medications such as antibiotics that contain tetrasiklik family would react with the milk. Calcium found in milk will bind drugs or antibiotics that prevent the absorption of the drug in the body.

In addition there are good medicine consumed after meals or after meals, this is due to food intake can affect drug absorption. Therefore becomes very important to follow the instructions for use are printed on the bottle or packet of drugs, as well as the criteria people should always ask the pharmacist for the drug is consumed.

And what about other beverages such as coffee, tea or juice?

Other beverages such as coffee, tea or juice generally contains various compounds such as caffeine that might react with the drugs consumed thus affecting absorption.

For that community is always recommended taking the drug by using a known white water does not contain anything, so it does not affect the absorption of the drug. Also water can help dissolve the drugs consumed in the stomach so that the absorption process for the better and easier.